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This category contains eBooks about addiction. You can choose from the following subcategories:-
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1. | Easyquit System. Quit Smoking Quickly And Easily, Without Cravings Or Willpower! Amazing New System Destroys A Smokers Will To Smoke. Complete Customer Support And Email Follow-up, 95% Customer Satisfaction. | |
2. | Detach From An Alcoholic Spouse Are You Living With A Dr. Jekyl And Mr. Hyde? Do You Wake Up In The Morning And Wish You Didn't Have To Start The Day With An Abusive Alcoholic? Are You Riding On An Addictive Roller Coaster Ride With The Alcoholic You Married? It's Time To Break Free! |
3. | Quit Smoking - Stop Smoking With EFT Quit Smoking Cigarettes With The Help Of EFT. Release The Hold That Smoking Has On Your Life. Become A Non Smoker And Save Hundreds Of Dollars A Year. EFT Scripts Release The Cravings And Negative Emotions Which Prevent You From Quitting Cigarettes. |
5. | Qssp=the Easier Way To Stop Smoking. Quit Smoking Success Plan By Top U.K. NLP Specialist Who Reveals His Proven Secrets So You Can Quit Smoking And Save Your Life! Bonus Weight Loss Chapter & Anti-stress Relaxation Self-hypnosis Mp3 Along With Proven Stop Smoking Methods eBook. |
6. | "The Wizard's Outrageous Scheme For Stopping Smoking" Stop Smoking Program That Combines The Seven Forces Along With Dreams In A Fifty Day Plan Explained By The Author. It's A Unique Form For Showing Why Cigarette Smoking Is So Darned Hard To Stop--'till Smokers Learn How Much They're Hooked. |
8. | How To Quit In 7 Steps This Is Is A Book About Quitting Addiction In 7 Steps. It Covers How The Steps A Former Addict Went Through To Get Over His Addiction. It Also Comes With 5 Bonuses. |
9. | Help Me! I'm In Love With An Addict "Help Me! I'm In Love With An Addict: How To Survive A Relationship With An Alcoholic Or Drug Addict" Is For Spouses And Loved One's Of Alcoholics And Drug Addicts. |
10. | Drop The Addiction Created By World Renowned Hypnotherapist Steve G. Jones, Drop The Addiction Is Designed To Help You Free Yourself From The Grip Of Substance Abuse. |
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